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G-Suite For Education

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Teachers, parents, and school heads were all closely following the topic of online education during the past year. Since the Coronavirus outbreak, everyone’s been breaking heads about how education will work in a remote setting, and whether kids will be able to learn as well as if they were sitting in the classroom.

During the turmoil period, schools and teachers were looking for the right set of programs and apps to aid this process. This is how Google suite for education became one of the most used sets of tools that aid the remote learning process. With that being said, in this article, we will go through the benefits of Google Suite for education, showing how educators and students can use it best to skyrocket their learning experience.

What is G Suite for Education?

To define it in simple words, Google Suite for Education is a software suite created by Google and includes its main components in one place. By having everything in one place, teachers can easily create and implement their lessons and manage their classes effectively.

G Suite for Education hosts a lot of potential since it helps teachers in managing assignments, lecturing, and collaborating more easily even in a remote setting.

What are the benefits of Google Suite for Education?

Google Suite for Education comes with a wide variety of benefits teachers and students can use to keep their learning process easy, including:

  • Ability to work in Offline mode.

One of the best benefits of Google Suite for Education is the fact that users can work offline, provided they installed certain tools that will help them do just that. For instance, a Chrome extension Gmail Offline allows users to read and write messages offline and send them later when their connection is restored. Furthermore, users can access G Drive offline too and edit Docs, Slides, and Sheets without having an internet connection. Once their connection is restored, Google will sync their data and save it on Drive.

  • Enhanced security.

We are living in a time where enhanced digital security and privacy of information are a must. That said, teachers, students, and school heads will be pleased to hear that G Suite for Education complies with ERPA, COPPA, and GDPR and best practices, making their information safe and secure. What’s more, Google Suite for Education enables users to take full control and ownership of their data – meaning Google doesn’t own any data inputted in GSuite for the organization.

  • The use of Directory.

One of the reasons why we love Google Suite for Education is the fact that domain administrators can configure the suite to enable cross-organizational collaboration and communication. For instance, they can set up a Directory based on users’ organizational units such as Administrators, Principal officers, Teachers, Supporting Staff, Contractors, Students, etc which makes communication and collaboration become easier. Furthermore, users can access shared resources in Google Drive and allow users to know when a member of the organizational unit is busy or available via their calendars. It also becomes more comfortable for users to book an appointment or meeting rooms. Furthermore, users can also share newsletters and communicate using Google Hangout Meet, Google Hangout Chat, or Google Groups based on organizational units without taking recourse to email or relating to users individually.

  • The factor of familiarity.

One of the best things about G Suite for Education is the fact that students and teachers are already familiar with most of the features it offers. Regardless of what we do online, most of us already had the opportunity to get to know programs such as Sheets, Slides, and Docs. That said, fast implementation is guaranteed and students and teachers will take little to no time to comprehend how it all functions.

  • Shared calendars

Google Suite for Education has a “shared calendar” feature that allows undisturbed collaboration and communication among faculties, staff, and students.

  • Google Classroom

Google Classroom features allow users to connect and communicate with each other regardless of their location. By using the Google Classroom feature, teachers can send announcements, create assignments and initiate class discussions. Google Classroom is a great place to share resources and collaborate in real time.

  • Google Suite for Education is free

G Suite for Education comes as a free service for educational organizations. That said, institutions who choose it will get a top-notch infrastructure to aid their daily processes.

Brace yourselves!

Good news? Just keep ’em comin’! Currently, Vacation Tracker comes as a Slack and Microsoft Teams integration, but we’re excited to announce an expansion to G Suite very soon!

Ana Mladenovic
Ana Mladenovic

A cat enthusiast and a cupcake maniac, Ana is a freelance Content Writer passionate about HR, productivity, and team management topics. When she’s not at her keyboard, you can find Ana in the kitchen, trying to make delicious cookies.

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