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3 Best Ideas for Your Fall Vacation

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Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.  Albert Camus

We will dare to say it: summer is overrated! When the leaves start to fall and the air gets colder, we know there’s a change coming soon. Autumn is perfect for romantic travels: golden yellow takes over, and everything around looks dreamy. Autumn is kinder than summer when it comes to our budget too! This is the time when most people work, and kids are back to school, meaning this is the time we can find lower prices for our travel escapades. We decided to offer you three ideas for your next fall vacation, a list of places that you should at least once see in Autumn.

1. Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Temperature: 15°C high; 7°C low

Season: Autumn.

Best for: Couples.

Top attractions: Streets.

If you know that Amsterdam is one of the leafiest cities in Europe (it has more than 400 thousand trees), you know it’s going to be beautiful in the autumn. There’s something special in watching Amsterdam’s canals and parks covered in golden leaves. And if you happen to be in Amsterdam during October, you’ll be able to participate in the dance magic that’s happening there every year. Amsterdam Dance Event turns this European capital into the dance stage for five straight days! And for the fitness fans, Amsterdam in Autumn has something to offer too! TCS Amsterdam Marathon starts and ends in the mesmerizing Olympic Stadium and takes its participants under the Rijksmuseum will provide a unique travel experience. When we take all of this into account, it becomes clear why Amsterdam is a great idea for your next fall vacation.

2. Yellowstone National park

Temperature: 1°C high; -11°C low

Season: Autumn.

Best for Nature lovers.

Top attractions: Wild nature.

Fall in Yellowstone comes earlier than anywhere in the world. Late August marks the season when everything starts shutting down, and nature becomes more serene and idyllic. Yellowstone is perfect for families and single travelers on a budget because there are fewer tourists than in the summer. This is how we can easily find top accommodation for reasonable prices. For photographers, Yellowstone is the best destination for their fall vacation because the scenery becomes even more beautiful than in the summer. Hues of orange, yellow, and red are covering the ground with traces of snow visible in the early morning. For the ones who enjoy fishing, Yellowstone in the autumn is the best destination for their fall vacation. Between late October and midway through November, brown trout spawn, and they become much more comfortable to catch!

3. Loire Valley, France

Temperature: 11°C high; 4°C low

Season: Autumn.

Best for: Couples, and history lovers.

Top attractions: Château de Villandry.

If you don’t want to be in a touristy Paris but near it, then Loire Valley is the perfect place to be. Wine lovers will love Loire Valley’s vineyards where they can enjoy the beautiful autumn landscape and enjoy famous French wine. On the other hand, history lovers can enjoy the beautiful Château de Villandry with its breathtaking labyrinths, grapevines, and gardens. Art lovers will enjoy their time at the Château du Close Lucé, which served as the official residence of Leonardo da Vinci.

Are you ready for your fall vacation?

Now, that you know where you should go for your next fall vacation, it’s time to book those free days! With a Vacation Tracker scheduling, leave is time-efficient and straightforward: it takes only seconds to request and approve leave. Managers have an overview of their workload at any moment and can easily see whether the request should be approved or not. Once a dreaded task, leave tracking becomes just a casualty with this software. And it doesn’t even hurt to try it out: the first 7 days are free!

Ana Mladenovic
Ana Mladenovic

A cat enthusiast and a cupcake maniac, Ana is a freelance Content Writer passionate about HR, productivity, and team management topics. When she’s not at her keyboard, you can find Ana in the kitchen, trying to make delicious cookies.

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