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Most Interesting HR Events in 2021

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HR managers are staples of successful businesses. HR managers help organizations hire, retain, and motivate employees, ensuring their needs are met for the successful completion of the job.

They help in managing talent efficiently and identify and find training and development programs that build employees’ knowledge and skills. 

But, who has their backs? Education and learning opportunities are important in each employee’s career growth path, and HR managers are no different. 

Since they take care of everyone, we decided to help them find something that will help them improve, and make a round-up of the most important HR events in 2021 that are worth their time.

HR and The Future of Work 2021

When: FEBRUARY 23-25, 2021

Where: Online

HR and The Future of Work 2021 conference aims to discuss the changes in working habits we’re seeing right now. More so, it aims to bring up the discussion about how to evolve the employee experience and help them integrate with technology, especially in ways that will drive efficiency and growth of new skills. During the conference participants and the key speakers will try to answer what the future of work will look like, and how to manage those changes seamlessly.

HR West 2021

When: March 17- 18, 2021

Where: Virtual Event

If you’re ready to upskill your knowledge and tackle one of the most challenging issues in HR, then HR West 2021 conference is for you. Throughout the sessions, participants will be able to get insight into different approaches and schools that tackle the most problematic HR questions. Furthermore, they’ll be able to discover techniques that will help them stay relevant, broaden their network, and learn from the best in the industry.

The Compliance, Risk and Regtech Conference 2021

When: Feb 4, Mar 25, May 20, 2021

Where: Virtual Event

If you want to broaden your understanding of leadership, motivation, and success, then The Compliance, Risk, and Regtech Conference 2021 is the right place to be this year. Comply this year gathers renewed regulators, compliance and risk professionals, sales and marketing leaders, legal experts, and investors in three separate virtual conferences that are guaranteed to inspire and teach you key skills.

Deloitte’s IMPACT 2021

When: May 10-12th, 2021

Where: Phoenix, AZ

If you want to collaborate with leading human capital influencers, analysts, and practitioners on the most pressing HR questions, then Deloitte’s IMPACT 2021 is the right place to be this year. 

Regardless of your occupation – whether you’re an analyst, professional in technology, HR, or business owner – you’ll be able to get valuable insights on the future of HR and how it will impact you, but as well work, as we know it.

The SHRM Annual Conference & Expo

When: June 20-23, 2021

Where: Chicago, IL (or virtual)

SHRM Annual Conference & Expo is one of the largest gatherings of HR professionals in the world. That said, if you want to be where things happen, you cannot miss it. Over the course of four days, attendees will be able to engage in well-developed and comprehensive education in the HR field, learn about the newest HR solutions, and gain practical knowledge from the most prominent and internationally renowned speakers.

Ohio HR Conference: Refresh & Refocus

When: August 25-27th, 2021

Where: Columbus, OH

Refresh and Refocus – the 2021 Ohio HR Conference will be held in August, in Columbus, Ohio and it will provide great networking and learning opportunities for those interested in the HR field. The conference is best suited for HR managers, students, and people interested in the HR field that seek to broaden their knowledge and expand their professional network.

Scale HR 2020

When: September 23-24, 2020

Where: Atlanta, GA

Scale HR conference is one of the HR events in 2021 you cannot miss! Scale HR conference is dedicated to discussing how we can scale HR’s capacity and capability to support organizational growth, as well as business transformation, and the future of the workplace. This conference is best suited for HR professionals and business owners who want to get insights on how to leverage their knowledge and bring it to the next level.

Which HR events in 2021 do you plan on attending?

Even though the past year made us all reexamine and change the way how we’re living and working, it didn’t stop our hunger for knowledge. Whether it’s online, or in person, HR events in 2021 will still be held, helping businesses, as well as employees to make the most out of what they do the best. With that being said, choose which HR events in 2021 you’ll attend, and plan a successful year ahead of time!

Ana Mladenovic
Ana Mladenovic

A cat enthusiast and a cupcake maniac, Ana is a freelance Content Writer passionate about HR, productivity, and team management topics. When she’s not at her keyboard, you can find Ana in the kitchen, trying to make delicious cookies.

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