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Top 50 Remote Work Tweets

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It’s nearly impossible to avoid all of the remote work tweets circulating on the internet.

In fact, since the start of the news coverage on the coronavirus, companies have started creating contingency plans to help their workers switch to remote work. Naturally, it has sparked numerous conversations online. In particular, there has been a slew of remote work content on Twitter.

Today, we’ve selected some of our favorite ones and grouped them into categories for your enjoyment. Indeed, there is so much content out there, that selecting the top 50 was difficult! Therefore, we hope you enjoy the following and that it helps you take your mind off any stress you may be experiencing.

1. Working With Pets

To start, one of the top perks of working from home is that you get to spend more time with your pets! However, pets can easily get in the way of remote work. Indeed, they are a bit needier than your regular coworkers. For instance, they can climb onto your lap while you’re working. Or, they can fall asleep on your computer. Nevertheless, nobody seems to be complaining.

#remotework is going well pic.twitter.com/NW8APCAXuW

— Brady (@bradyradcliffe) March 16, 2020

When you work remote, nobody knows you’re a dog pic.twitter.com/0QfRdRJegm

— Emily Kager (@EmilyKager) August 26, 2019

My new coworker is struggling with the situation this Monday morning! Hope you all are off to a better start! #RemoteWork pic.twitter.com/g1ugRsgdS3

— Crystal Dombkowski (@CDombkowskiBRM) March 23, 2020

Who else’s view looks a lot like this? 😆
Tag us in your #WorkingFromHome view 🐶🏡 pic.twitter.com/UIrE06kVtu

— Dogs Trust 💛🐶 (@DogsTrust) March 19, 2020

Video call tips and tricks for WFH:

-everyone wants to see your cat
-no, seriously, why are you pushing your cat away
-more cat
-what if we just did a call with your cat

— John Epler (@eplerjc) March 16, 2020

2. The Remote Work Advocacy Club

Secondly, it’s important to speak one’s truth. Particularly in these tough times. In fact, advocates of remote work want to be heard. Therefore, they are taking their messages to Twitter. Indeed, their remote work tweets speak about the necessity of remote work for certain individuals. Then, they also speak about how this current trend will create lasting change. Indeed, these writers hope that the remote work trend is going to open up new working opportunities in the long run!

every time I see another institution move to remote work/instruction because of COVID19 I am reminded of every single tweet from disabled people pointing out that it wasn’t until abled people were threatened that institutions seemed to be willing to make these changes

— Becca Farrow 🖤🤎❤️🧡💛💚💙💜 (@rfarrowster) March 11, 2020

As the nation shifts to remote work, it’s important to remember that about 25 million Americans lack reliable access to broadband, though some estimates put the figure closer to 162 million. This includes families with kids in areas where schools are closing for the virus

— april glaser (@aprilaser) March 11, 2020

2020 will be the year that forever changed the trajectory of online education, telemedicine, and remote work.

— Vala Afshar (@ValaAfshar) March 13, 2020

Requesting to work from home because of the #coronavirus is what’s called a “reasonable accommodation.”

You have disabled people to thank for that.

Remember this moment in history the next time you think Accessibility laws are too “burdensome” to be abided.

— Imani Barbarin, MAGC | Crutches&Spice ♿️ (@Imani_Barbarin) March 9, 2020

Remote work for climate = no way never!

Remote work for covid-19 = oh hell yes sign me up, can’t start soon enough!

Amazing how our tolerances change as the perceived threats become more acute.

— Jason Jacobs (@jjacobs22) March 3, 2020

It’s very fascinating to see so many jobs that had policies such as “working from home isn’t allowed” and “the job can’t be done remotely” suddenly be able to accommodate remote work. Really interesting. Really telling.

— 🍓 anne marie 🌿 (@cherrizard) March 13, 2020

What’s the likelihood that businesses continue with remote work once this ends in order to reduce overhead costs as a way to deal with the economic fallout?

— Meena Harris (@meena) March 18, 2020

We NEED to Normalize Remote Work and recognize it is just as legitimate as working on site.

Busy work and clocking in is frivolous in a 21st century economy.

You don’t need to stand over your employees shoulders, they produce results or they don’t.

— Roberto Blake 🇺🇸🇵🇦 Creative Entrepreneur (@robertoblake) March 12, 2020

3. The Difficulties of Working Remotely

Thirdly, many people new to remote working are quickly realizing that remote work is not all fun and games! Indeed, it can be challenging for most. Therefore, it’s important to know that we’re not alone in our struggles.

Ya’ll, I have been working from home full time for 10 years and have been very productive doing so. Today – even after years of remote work, I have found it hard to concentrate.

— Grant Shipley🇺🇸🇺🇦 (@gshipley) March 16, 2020

Problems remote work has that need to be solved:
– Loneliness
– Pairing quickly on problems
– Whiteboard brainstorm sessions
– Team comrade
– Quick drive-by conversations (sometimes bad too)

There’s so much opportunity for this next revolution. It’s not just about presence.

— Suhail (@Suhail) February 27, 2020

Zoom is like real life, in that I’ve already gone from Zoom FOMO to wildly overscheduling Zooms to canceling Zooms so I can have some time to myself for a change

— Jessica Pressler (@jpressler) March 25, 2020

I think the remote work many people are about to experience isn’t going to be great, and may end up disencouraging the wider adoption of it.

Many of you are about to be thrown into ad-hoc processes, hang in there and don’t let that fully color what you think about remote work.

— ☠️ buriticá ☠️ (@buritica) March 6, 2020

Be wary of taking advice about remote work from people like me who’ve been doing it for many years


— Martin Fowler (@martinfowler) March 17, 2020

Meetings are toxic. Doesn’t matter if your work day is being chopped up into work moments in the office or virtually. Thinking that working remotely = meeting remotely is a grave misconception. Remote work thrives on deep work, which requires long stretches of uninterrupted time. https://t.co/3jzWqMsXzE

— DHH (@dhh) March 25, 2020

Monday, I heard a workplace “expert” talking about the new reality of remote work. “Performance expectations and standards must remain the same as in the office,’ he declared.

There is so much wrong with that statement.

— estherderby 🌻 (@estherderby) March 17, 2020

Laughing at the remote-work pro-tips from people who have since long escaped the hellscape of ultra expensive city living – recommending a separate desk (or A WHOLE ROOM) dedicated to WFH.

I wish bro, but partner and I are sharing this 1br and he’ll be joining this video call.

— Ænna Westelius (@bubblewire) March 11, 2020

4. The Hidden Benefits Of Remote Work 

Nevertheless, there are benefits to remote work as well. The following tweets remind us that our current situation is definitely not that bad.

Remote work benefits I never considered:

💄less time/money on makeup
💊Flexibility for appointments
🍻no after-work expectations
📢feel heard by colleagues
🍔Save money on lunches
👔no expensive uniforms
🚸get kids from school
🚗only need one car
🤮avoid sick people

What else?

— Chris Herd (@chris_herd) January 15, 2020

The biggest long-term benefit of COVID-19 will be companies realizing their overall productivity increases with more remote work

— Jonathan Bales (@BalesFootball) March 18, 2020

random peoples kids/pets randomly appearing during meetings and being cute is honestly one of my favourite things about remote work

— danielle 🏳️‍🌈 (@endocrimes) October 24, 2019

Flex on your company’s remote work policy by putting a two-hour meeting in your calendar, reserving an executive conference room just because you can, and taking a nap

— Eternal Samnation (@portmanteauface) March 25, 2020

TIL: My sister’s company ended up being more focused and productive since starting to work from home. Their management are now considering full time remote work as an option.

— Jaana Dogan ヤナ ドガン (@rakyll) March 24, 2020

5. The Funny Ones

Furthermore, it’s important to laugh in these difficult times. Luckily, there is no better place to find great one-liners than on Twitter! Indeed, these comments and jokes on remote work are so relatable. Yet, they also underlie some mounting frustrations about remote work. For instance, people are discovering the pros and cons of conference calls. Furthermore, they are sharing a cramped workspace with their loved ones, and that’s creating friction.

Nevertheless, we admire the people out there who keep sharing and creating content. Indeed, they make this situation much easier to bear for all of us. In brief, we thank them from the bottom of our hearts for making us smile!

I guess we’re about to find out which meetings could’ve been emails after all…

— Sara Wallace Goodman (@ThatSaraGoodman) March 8, 2020

So far the greatest challenge with remote work is all my standard excuses for being 14 minutes late to a 30 minute meeting no longer work.

— Aaron Levie (@levie) March 13, 2020

With remote work on the horizon for millions of people, it’s crucial that we all remember one very important thing: to mute yourself on conference calls.

— Sophie Vershbow (@svershbow) March 10, 2020

By day 3 new #remotework-ers will be using snapchat filters with their coworkers. By day 6 they will be doing sales presentations in tracksuits. By day 10… pic.twitter.com/jp4YCVstC9

— Christopher Neto CTS 📣 at #CediaExpo (@chris_neto) March 14, 2020

My face when I’m replying to questions on Slack.#remotework pic.twitter.com/6oNjGYH1tG

— Julie (@syswarren) December 11, 2019

Just washed all my work shirts. Lord knows I won’t be wearing pants to work for a while. #remotework pic.twitter.com/ajeGnZZDqw

— Matt Jaber Stiffler (@ProfStiff) March 19, 2020

Day 7: Wife wondering why I “type so loud” #remotework pic.twitter.com/4EBr2svmY0

— Mark St.Godard (@markstgodard) March 23, 2020

#remotework Day 6: shifted to bed from my standing desk.

— Bedanta Bikash Borah (@iamBedant) March 23, 2020

Am I the only one who finds it amusing that 500 consulting firms that have never done remote work before are suddenly offering webinars on how to do remote work effectively? Maybe not so funny, as I’m the one who never figures out how to monetize the obvious.

— Dave Nicolette 🇺🇦 (@davenicolette) March 23, 2020

Lest we forget, the Patron Saint of Remote Work is Marion the Great 🙏🏾🕯️ pic.twitter.com/VvP2Ffi2Ex

— Nicole Sanchez (@nmsanchez) March 6, 2020

Just saw a growth graph of a startup used for remote work. That’s a nice curve, I thought. Then I realized the scale on the x axis was days.

— Paul Graham (@paulg) March 19, 2020

Experts recommend keeping your daily rituals even while working from home. pic.twitter.com/ktHuEaXMLT

— Tomáš Bella (@kvasinka) March 16, 2020

You merely adopted remote work. I was born in it, molded by it. I didn’t see the office until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me… pic.twitter.com/aPa0FuoVVT

— Ian Philpot (@ianphilpot) March 12, 2020

Trying to date SF guys in between their week-long meditation retreats, Tahoe weekends, month-long remote work sessions in SE Asia, and dopamine fasting is so much more tumultuous than any start up

— Celine Halioua (@celinehalioua) March 6, 2020

Conference call Bingo sheet! #workingfromhome pic.twitter.com/ET9XAdGS4i

— Pascalle Grotenhuis 🧡 (@PMGrotenhuis) March 15, 2020

Remote work starts out fun, then instantly turns into the hunger games once you and your spouse have conflicting video calls and only one “professional” space.

— Aaron Levie (@levie) March 6, 2020

me and my coworkers logging into all of our meetings remotely for the next couple of weeks pic.twitter.com/fpOYiHJLcl

— isha (@ikasliwal) March 9, 2020

6. The Motivational Remote Work Tweets 

Lastly, these tweets remind us that we’re all in this together. Also, they outline the silver lining of our current situation. Indeed, there will be lessons learned, people who will shine and there will be stories of resilience. To conclude, it’s important to continue thinking positively and to share these great stories.

If ever there was an endorsement for remote work! https://t.co/8YnRkNV9FO

— DHH (@dhh) March 17, 2020

Put my 4yo daughter on Zoom for virtual meet up w/ pre-K buddies. Unprompted, she kicked off that sucker w/out me. Facilitated everyone to individually say hello, suggested book, called in parent to read.

All of my parenting as #remotework remote CEO has led to this moment.

— Beth Rabbitt (she/her, Dr.) (@BethRabbitt) March 20, 2020

Five year old killing it with his remote work. So proud. pic.twitter.com/CdmfoIj9LD

— Tom King (@TomKingTK) March 19, 2020

Remote work sorts talkers from doers.

— Jack Butcher (@jackbutcher) March 16, 2020

Kristina Ousmanova
Kristina Ousmanova

Kristina recently left behind fast-paced life of Human Resource Business Consulting to freelance as a Content Writer. A regular Vacation Tracker contributor, she can be found working remotely from her home in Montreal, usually while eating a variety of snacks.

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