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5 Apps to Help You Grow Your Business

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Starting a business is not easy, but the real job begins once you “spin the wheels” and get things started. From that moment, until you retire (sometimes not even then), you’ll aim towards one single goal: to grow your business. There are many ways and techniques we can apply and use to achieve that goal, and one of them is the most obvious: technology. That’s why we decided to offer you five apps that will help you grow your business and exceed your expectations.

Meet Vacation Tracker, an app we’re proud of

Keeping your employees engaged, motivated, and happy is a way to grow your business successfully. That’s why so many companies are looking for ways to keep their retention at bay by offering various perks ranging from remote days, Flexi-schedule, and unlimited PTO policies. Vacation Tracker is an app that will enable you to retain employees by allowing you to track their leave in a seamless easy way. It takes only seconds to request and approve leave, and managers have a clear overview of their workforce at any moment. They can quickly determine if some of their employees are heading for burnout and prevent it before it happens. What’s best, it won’t cost you anything to try out Vacation Tracker for the first 7 days. Why don’t you take it for a spin?

Slack is our favorite among the apps which will help you grow your business

Slack is an app that helps organizations organize their team conversations into channels, so the information never gets lost. It’s enabling teams to be together and share ideas, thoughts, and problems in the same spot. But Slack is more than a simple chat platform. It became a powerful HR Tool. Various HR bots enable us to track leave via Slack, acknowledge employees’ efforts, share resources, and information as well as host Q&As and employee satisfaction surveys. 

Asana, a web-based project management tool that will help you grow your business

Asana is a project management tool that helps businesses organize and track the progress of their tasks. Asana is the best for organizations and employees joggling between multiple projects at once. It’s available both for mobile apps (iOS and Android), and we can integrate it with various apps such as Dropbox, Slack, and Hipchat.


Good bosses know what their employees are doing. However, we only have one body and one pair of eyes. This is where RescueTime comes into play! This app helps employees know where they’re spending the majority of their time. At its core, it aims to show employees what are their weak spots in the time-management process and keep them accountable for their job.

The most unexpected among the apps to grow your business: Mailchimp

Email marketing is one of the oldest and most successful marketing methods. Just face it, despite all the communication gadgets we have at our disposal emails survived. We still use it as our main channel for business communication. And a vast majority of people have their email accounts too! That’s why MailChimp, an app that can automatize your outreach campaigns, send newsletters, and more are still popular. It will help you create customer segments using different criteria to reach your target audience. Furthermore, it will help you see and track the success of your emails, which will help you grow your business and set it on solid ground. This app works for different niches ranging from the HORECA industry to social media agencies.

Ana Mladenovic
Ana Mladenovic

A cat enthusiast and a cupcake maniac, Ana is a freelance Content Writer passionate about HR, productivity, and team management topics. When she’s not at her keyboard, you can find Ana in the kitchen, trying to make delicious cookies.

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Do you want to simplify PTO tracking?

Schedule a free consultation with our team to learn how Vacation Tracker can help you.

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