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Vacation Tracker’s Leave Types

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The features mentioned in this article have been upgraded, and the information presented may not be up to date. Please view our recent articles, and learn about the new version of Vacation Tracker.

Vacation Tracker is a leave management tool for Slack which requires minimal employee training and saves both the administrators and employees valuable time. Instead of spending hours on managing leave, you can now do it all in a few simple clicks.

Step 1.

Type “/vacation” in a Slack channel of your choosing and you’ve already saved yourself the trouble of going into the hassle of endless email chains.

Vacation Tracker’s Leave Types

Step 2.

After typing “/vacation” into the chosen Slack channel you will be presented with various options. Depending on the leave type you want to request, all you have to do it select the dates and, if you are looking to take a half-day, hours when you’ll be away.

Vacation Tracker’s Leave Types

And that’s it. After you choose the type of vacation you want, and the time period, a notification will be sent to the administrator within 30 seconds, letting them know they have a pending request from you.

Step 3.

If you are an administrator, all you have to do is respond to the request and you’re all done.

And if you’re the team member requesting time off, it’s time to pack your bags.

Vacation Tracker’s Leave Types

When we created Vacation Tracker, it had only three options when it comes to requesting time off. Those three options were a vacation, a day off and a half-day. However, being customer-driven, we listened carefully to our users and realized there is a need for an additional featureleave types.

Vacation Tracker’s Leave Types

Administrators can easily configure the organization’s leave types through the “Settings” page. The default leave type is “Vacations, Days Off, and Half Days”. All other leave types ranging from Sick Day, Conference, Working Remotely, PTO, Paternity Leave, Jury Duty and more, can be configured by the administrators.

And your organization can have up to 24 completely customizable leave types besides vacations, days off and half-days.

This way, you can adjust Vacation Tracker to your company’s needs, and improve your company’s leave management processes. Vacation Tracker’s leave types are created to help you manage leave more effectively in your company, by customizing them to your company’s needs.

If you are interested in learning more about Vacation Tracker, please go to our FAQ page, or request a demo. We would be more than happy to explain how Vacation Tracker could benefit your company and help you set it up.

Aleksandra Cvetkovic
Aleksandra Cvetkovic

Aleksandra has been with the team since day one, bringing her passion for all things marketing.

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