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A Guide to Maternity Leave in the USA

A Guide to Maternity Leave in the USA

Having a baby is one of the most exciting times in a woman’s life. It’s also a time when many women have to take a leave …

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A Guide to Paternity Leave in the USA

A Guide to Paternity Leave in the USA

When it comes to paternity leave, the United States is definitely not the most progressive country in the world. In …

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Countries With the Best Maternity and Paternity Leave

Countries With the Best Maternity and Paternity Leave

Around the world, countries are rolling out policies to support new parents. Some offer generous paid leave, others …

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Top Tips For Your Company’s Maternity Leave Policy

Top Tips For Your Company’s Maternity Leave Policy

Ah, the age-old question: How much time should be granted in a maternity leave policy? There’s no one answer that fits …

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Paternity Leave Policy Basics For Your Business

Paternity Leave Policy Basics For Your Business

Pat leave, daddy days, father’s quota. Whatever you call it, the concept is the same: paid time off for new fathers to …

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Automating PTO Accruals with Vacation Tracker

Automating PTO Accruals with Vacation Tracker

As your team expands, calculating PTO accruals can become complicated and involve some math. When performed manually, …

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PTO Accrual: Everything You Need To Know

PTO Accrual: Everything You Need To Know

Ever wondered how PTO accrual works? In this article, we’ll take a deep dive into the world of PTO accruals and show you …

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25 Microsoft Teams Tips To Help You Save Time

25 Microsoft Teams Tips To Help You Save Time

Time is ticking out and we never have enough of it. If you are like me, you are in a constant shortage of that precious …

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How To Get Over Jet Lag When You Get Home?

How To Get Over Jet Lag When You Get Home?

Whether you are traveling for pleasure or business, jet lag will likely play a role and make you feel tired just when …

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