[Expert Hours] Join us on March 20th: Maximize Time Off While Ensuring Legal Compliance Register Now

Simplify your payroll operations with Vacation Tracker.

Vacation Tracker ensures precise leave balances, seamless data integration, and compliance with company policies and regional regulations. Eliminate manual calculations and discrepancies, allowing your payroll team to focus on strategic financial planning and analysis.

Simplify your payroll operations <span>with Vacation Tracker.</span>

Match leave data to your Payroll system

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    Export Reports

    Export comprehensive reports with all the necessary data regarding employee time off, ready to be matched with your payroll systems.

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    Scheduled Reporting

    Schedule reports to be delivered at specific times during your busy seasons and select who should receive them, ensuring timely and relevant information.

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    Audit Trail

    Access a detailed audit trail to see who made specific changes to employee data, ensuring transparency and accountability.

  • Export Reports
  • Scheduled Reporting
  • Audit Trail
  • Configure leave policies
  • Consistent Policy Application
  • Complete Customization

Maintain compliance with company policies and regional regulations

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    Configure leave policies

    Configure custom leave policies to align with specific company rules and regional regulations, ensuring consistency and compliance.

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    Consistent Policy Application

    Vacation Tracker applies company leave policies consistently across all requests, reducing the likelihood of errors and ensuring fairness.

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    Complete Customization

    Configure all settings to align with your company policy. Enable accruals, carry-over days, TOIL, unlimited vacation, and more—whatever suits your team’s needs.

Eliminate the need for manual calculations

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    Automate Leave Balances

    We handle employee leave balances by calculating accruals, tracking days taken, and updating balances after time off.

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    Manage Time Off in Lieu

    If you enable TOIL, we manage it for you, ensuring that all employees who worked overtime are accurately compensated without manual calculations.

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    Additional Benefits

    We automate seniority entitlements and entitlements by role, ensuring accurate tracking of employee benefits.

  • Automate Leave Balances
  • Manage Time Off in Lieu
  • Additional Benefits

Integrate directly where your team works

Vacation Tracker seamlessly fits into your workflow and eliminates the need for multiple logins by using Single Sign-On (SSO).

  • Slack
  • Microsoft Teams
  • Google


Why teams around the world love Vacation Tracker

“The ease with which everyone transitioned across to using Vacation Tracker without asking a million questions was impressive!”

Romana R.

Producer, No Code

“Set it and forget it. New users come on, they get added to Vacation Tracker, and it just works.”
Mark F.

Partner, Buffkin Baker

“Having easy updates on who’s taking time off, and when, has helped our team be more connected than ever.”
Yami R.

People Operations, Team Blind

Read more reviews on Capterra.

Automate PTO tracking for your growing team, worldwide

  • Book a Demo
  • Try all features for 7 days. No credit card required.