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6 Strategies to Increase Accountability in the Workplace

Reading Time: 6 minutes

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If you’re in HR, chances are that you know accountability in the workplace isn’t just a boring bureaucratic buzzword – it’s the secret sauce that turns organizational dreams into reality. 

However, building a culture of accountability isn’t rocket science. It starts with smart strategies that make everyone responsible for what they do.  In this blog post, we’ll dive into six proven strategies for increasing accountability in the workplace, from setting clear goals and expectations to establishing consequences and rewards and implementing regular check-ins. 

So without further ado, let’s dive in and see how these simple strategies can make a big difference. 

6 Ways to Increase Accountability in the Workplace

Understand what it means to be accountable

Creating a culture of accountability within your organization begins with setting clear goals and expectations upfront so that everyone understands what is expected of them and why they are doing it. When accountability in the workplace is the norm, it creates an atmosphere of trust, responsibility, and respect, which paves the way for collaboration and innovation.

What does accountability in the workplace look like?

At its core, accountability boils down to taking ownership of your actions and being responsible for them. 

It involves setting clear expectations, communicating effectively, regularly keeping tabs on progress, offering feedback when necessary, and applying appropriate rewards or consequences. When individuals show accountability in their work, they not only build trust with their colleagues and supervisors but also demonstrate their commitment to their job.

Having an accountable team or organization brings endless benefits to the table. For example, it can lead to greater efficiency as people are more likely to complete tasks on time if they know someone will be reviewing their work. Additionally, teams with a high level of accountability in the workplace often enjoy a better working atmosphere due to increased trust among colleagues and recognition from supervisors for a job well done. It’s a win-win scenario for everyone involved.

Make accountability a core part of your workplace

In the journey to cultivate a culture of accountability within your organization, a pivotal starting point lies in your company’s core values and culture. These values not only reflect what truly matters to your organization but also outline the expected behavior of your employees in the workplace. It’s like setting the compass for the path you want your team to tread.

When you formalize accountability as a core value, you send a strong message to your employees. It’s a way of telling them, “We are serious about accountability here.” By explicitly stating it as one of your values, you’re making it a fundamental part of your organizational DNA.

But it doesn’t stop there. Putting accountability in writing as a core value has practical advantages too. It makes it easier to hold your employees accountable right from the outset. Their responsibilities and expectations are crystal clear from day one. For instance, during a performance review, you can refer back to these core values. It’s an opportunity to discuss whether they are embodying the company’s values, including accountability. If they’re not living up to the standards of accountability, it provides the perfect opening to encourage positive change.

In essence, formalizing accountability within your core values not only sets the tone for your workplace culture but also serves as a foundational guide for your employees’ behavior. It communicates a commitment to a high standard of conduct, ensuring that accountability becomes an integral part of your organization’s identity.

Set clear goals and expectations for employees

Incorporating accountability into the very fabric of your organization is a powerful step toward fostering a culture of excellence. It all starts with a straightforward approach — setting clear goals and expectations. Imagine these as the signposts guiding everyone’s path. When everyone knows what’s expected of them and why it matters, it creates a strong foundation for accountability.

Then, think of regular check-ins as friendly pit stops on the journey. They keep everyone on track and open up channels for communication. This is where feedback flows, helping everyone stay aligned and move toward those shared goals.

Learning from the best: Microsoft

Take a leaf out of Microsoft’s book. They’re masters at this. They set clear goals with specific deadlines – no ambiguity. Feedback is constant, so everyone knows how they’re doing compared to those goals.

Their secret? Their team takes responsibility for their work every day. It’s not about someone watching over them; it’s about self-accountability. Microsoft encourages its employees to take ownership of their work by setting measurable goals with specific deadlines while also ensuring regular feedback loops between managers and employees so everyone knows how they’re performing relative to those goals throughout the process. 

This type of approach has enabled Microsoft to achieve record-breaking results time after time due to its intrinsically motivated workforce who holds themselves accountable every day for reaching company objectives. So, whether you’re a big tech giant or a small startup, embracing accountability as a core value can unlock endless possibilities for your team or organization. It’s all about trust, shared responsibility, and a commitment to success.

Dictate the consequences (and the rewards)

In the quest to cultivate a positive and productive workplace, having a well-thought-out system of consequences and rewards is a game-changer. After all, having an effective system of consequences and rewards is a critical factor in creating a positive, productive work environment. Think of it as a toolkit that can shape a sense of responsibility among employees and inspire them to aim for excellence.

The beauty of this system is that it can be customized to suit each team’s unique needs. It’s about finding the right blend of incentives and consequences to hold employees accountable while also appreciating their dedication and hard work. Here are some examples of rewards you can offer:

Promotion opportunities

When considering employees for promotions, include accountability as a significant criterion. This not only incentivizes employees to embrace responsibility but also underscores its importance within the organization. It sends a clear message that accountability is a valued trait, worthy of recognition and advancement.

Public appreciation

Publicly acknowledging and thanking employees who consistently display accountability can be a powerful motivator. Whether it’s during team meetings, company-wide gatherings, or through internal communication channels, recognizing their efforts amplifies the positive impact. It not only rewards the individual but also sets an example for others to follow.

Social media spotlight

Harness the power of social media to shine a spotlight on employees who exemplify accountability. Share their stories and achievements, highlighting how their responsible actions have contributed to the team’s success. This not only boosts their morale but also showcases your organization’s commitment to fostering a culture of accountability.

Recognize and reward employees who take the initiative to tackle responsibilities they may not have mastered yet. Offer sponsorship for their professional development opportunities, such as workshops, courses, or certifications. This investment demonstrates the organization’s commitment to supporting employee growth while encouraging a proactive approach to learning.

Ultimately, by establishing consequences and rewards, organizations can create an atmosphere where everyone is held accountable while at the same time being encouraged to do their very best.

Implementing regular check-ins

Regular check-ins offer a multitude of advantages. For managers, they provide valuable insights into how well employees are aligning with established goals, nurturing a culture of accountability along the way. Team members, on the other hand, receive invaluable feedback on their performance, serving as a platform for learning from mistakes and honing their skills over time. What’s not to like about that?

Thus, having regular check-ins is the beating heart of building an accountable workplace culture. They serve as the compass that keeps everyone headed in the right direction, ensuring that progress is not just a goal but a daily reality. 

But there’s an art to conducting these check-ins effectively.

Decide what timeline works best

It’s crucial to establish a timeline for these meetings and set up reminders. This ensures that everyone is synchronized, making these sessions an integral part of the work rhythm. However, the key is to strike a balance.

Some team members might benefit from more frequent conversations, while others may thrive with less frequent touchpoints with management. Recognizing the diversity of objectives among different teams is essential, as well. What proves effective for one team may not be equally suitable for another. Insights gained from these regular check-ins can be seamlessly incorporated into future performance reviews, enriching the feedback loop.

Don’t make it too formal

Check-ins should not be overly rigid or formal; that might stifle open dialogue and inhibit the flow of creative ideas. Instead, they should create a space where team members can engage in constructive discussions about their progress, all in an informal yet purposeful manner.

Providing feedback also plays an important role in enabling effective communication in the workplace. Whether this feedback is positive or negative, it should always be constructive so that employees are motivated to improve rather than discouraged by criticism. Additionally, being proactive in addressing any issues as soon as they arise will help maintain morale and prevent any further disruption from occurring.

Schedule one-on-one meetings

One-on-one meetings or team gatherings on a weekly basis can be instrumental in reviewing progress, offering feedback, and maintaining a record of accomplishments and pending tasks. 

These meetings should be tailored to each team member’s needs, providing support if needed or extra training if required. Listening attentively during these conversations helps create an atmosphere of understanding and respect, which encourages employees to speak openly about their challenges and successes. This multifaceted approach holds individuals accountable for their work, but it also extends a supportive hand where needed. Furthermore, these sessions act as a compass for future training or guidance.

All these elements culminate in the creation of a robust culture of accountability, laying the foundation for long-term success. It’s the small steps taken during regular check-ins that ultimately lead to giant leaps of achievement.

Bottom line

By following these strategies for regular and effective communication in the workplace, organizations can create a culture of accountability that leads to greater success both individually and collectively across teams. 

Through open dialogue, timely feedback, consistent monitoring, and clear goals & expectations — organizations can foster productive environments where employees feel empowered to work towards achieving organizational goals while taking ownership over their successes & failures alike.

Snigdha Gupta
Snigdha Gupta

An avid writer and aspiring marketer, Snigdha is a student at Concordia University’s John Molson School of Business.

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