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Benefits of HR Software for Your Business

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You cannot put a price on HR. HR managers are the pillars of every successful business, responsible for developing and maintaining the company’s culture, recruitment, and onboarding process. They are responsible for leave tracking and payroll as well as bringing innovation into the workspace. This sounds like a lot of work, and in most cases it is. That’s why opting for HR software is a no-brainer.

The benefits of HR software are numerous and go from boosting productivity to better time management. We believe every HR should use it as a perk and that’s why we decided to share with you the benefits HR software could have on your business.

But, before we begin, did you know that there are over 21 types of HR software including employee benefits, recruitment, payroll, and time tracking?

The first one among the many benefits of HR software includes time management

HR managers have a hectic schedule and every bit of their job is equally important. However, specialized HR software enabled them to save some time on time-consuming tasks. Take for instance leave management. It’s a tedious task dreaded by the vast majority of HR professionals. Simple filling out of an excel sheet can take ages and even the smallest mistake can cause great disruption.

However, tracking employees’ leave with a leave tracking software becomes a routine task that takes only a few minutes of their workday. Vacation Tracker takes pride in being one of the easiest and cleanest leave-tracking software in the market. It’s very simple to use and installation takes only seconds. 

It’s suitable both for small to mid-sized businesses and enterprises and enables leave tracking for offices in different locations and different teams within the same company. It can be easily adjusted to fit each business’s needs by offering customized settings for different leave policies.

Employees can request leave simply by typing /vacation on their slack account and once they fill out the form, their HR manager will be notified about their absence. What’s best, you don’t need to pay a dime to try it out, you just need to sign up for the first 7-days trial period and see how it fits your business.

Among the most important benefits of HR software is keeping track of your company’s regulatory compliance

HR managers have to do a lot of things during their workday. Due to their massive workload, they can easily fail to file some documents and reports which can lead to fines that are not that small in most cases. HR software enables businesses to keep their employee data in one place and send automated reminders when some action has to be taken. This enables businesses to keep their compliance with regulatory requirements in check. Some of those compliances include GDPR compliance, right-to-work checks and health, and safety training compliance.

HR software helps you keep your employee retention in check

The recruitment process is important, but growing and developing talent is vital. Focusing on employees’ growth and development will boost their engagement and motivation. Ultimately, it will decrease employee retention and save money. Replacing an employee is a costly task and that’s why investing in HR software comes as a much cheaper and smarter solution.

One of the benefits of HR software is the possibility of tracking every aspect of an employee’s development plans including collecting information about their performance, engagement, likes, dislikes, etc. 

HR software can help in enhancing data security

In the past few years, data breaches became quite common and cybersecurity became one of the main topics in the world. Small businesses are more prone to security hacks mostly because the vast majority of them don’t have a cyber-security plan. That’s why we cannot be surprised at the fact that up to 62 percent of breaches during 2013 were at a small business level. The situation is no different with medium to large-sized businesses. In fact, the cost of data breaches and potential loss for the company is much more severe.

Businesses should always make sure to safely store sensitive employee data. Keeping it on Google Drive or in the office cabinets is not the best idea because it can be easily compromised. There is a specialized HR software that uses a cloud system for data storage and protection. They even allow full visibility on who and when viewed sensitive information.

One of the benefits of HR software are in risk mitigation 

Some people will say the 21st century is an era of legal dispute. That’s why businesses should be careful to track and document everything that’s happening between them and their employer. They should always be able to show proof employee was familiar with the policies and rules in the office. We often think that keeping important conversations on email will save us trouble, but there’s always a way out. The point is: people could always claim they didn’t read or see the email.

Opting to use an HR system for your business could avoid those situations. A vast majority of HR software are often offering a read-and-accept feature which provides a trail showing the employee was sent a particular message and that they accepted and saw it as well.

HR software promotes good communication between employees

Even though we still use emails in our day-to-day communication, if we use them as a chat room they can easily clutter our inboxes. That’s where HR software comes in. HR communication software will offer the possibility of private chat. This option enables remote workers, part-timers, and the ones who work from the office to stay in touch.

Additionally, most employees have contact information for their coworkers. However, a problem can appear when they need to contact somebody they’re not connected with directly daily. Keeping employee contact information in a drawer can be time-consuming and the least practical option. Luckily most HR systems have employee directories that enable them to find anyone from the company within seconds.

Can you see the benefits of HR software for your business now?

It’s time to embrace technology! It doesn’t have to be costly and complicated. In most cases, HR software saves money and time and boosts productivity and engagement. That’s why we think they are one of the smartest investments you can do for your growing business.

Ana Mladenovic
Ana Mladenovic

A cat enthusiast and a cupcake maniac, Ana is a freelance Content Writer passionate about HR, productivity, and team management topics. When she’s not at her keyboard, you can find Ana in the kitchen, trying to make delicious cookies.

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