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Best Slack Integrations for the Summer

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We have written extensively on Slack integrations. With the online landscape constantly changing, it’s good to keep up with fresh discoveries of other great programs that make our work lives better, but this time, with a summer twist. Enjoy the summer with some of these best Slack integrations.


Design is everywhere and can come from anywhere. This top creative platform is “redesigning the design process” and lets you collaborate with great designers around the globe without leaving Slack. Do you need a new logo? Brainstorm on a new product’s packaging? Create a book cover? Personalize some merch like a team t-shirt? Find illustrations for a poster ad? Design an app? Be a designer? Anything is possible! First, write a simple brief; then decide to hire a designer to work closely on your brief or start a contest within their design community. With over 90 categories to choose from, it accommodates specific complex design projects, as well as simple design needs, and also offers a branding pack, web, and print.

Slack App info page here.

Weather Hippie

The Weather Hippie is a buddy that gives you everything you need to know about what’s going on outside in real-time, anywhere. You receive reliable updates and alerts for any city. Configure weather notifications according to your own schedule, travels, and lifestyle. This fun and the practical app is available in Slack and Apple Store.

Slack App info page here.


Have you ever run into the problem of not being able to share music between coworkers because the songs are found in different places and incompatible streaming services then gave up because things got overly complicated and so you all resigned to tragically work separately in silence? Time to cheer up! Songg removes that barrier with a simple link. No matter where your colleagues find great tracks to share, from Apple Music, Spotify, Google Music (Google Play), Deezer, Bandcamp, or Last.fm, a lively work atmosphere is now possible! With a Slack Command, have your entire team get into a summer groove!


We all know how a little praise makes our work more enjoyable. Have fun with this highly ranked employee recognition app! This is one of the best slack integrations to help your organization celebrate and reward employees. Could be someone who contributed to a daily task, took initiative, or reached a key milestone in the organization. Most participants receive recognition at least once a month from their peers within the first month of using it. What a boost to morale! How does it work? Every month, every employee gets an allowance of, say 1,000 points that they give however they want via a personal message. “Here’s +50 for you @Maria, inspired by how you handled that meeting this morning! #problem-solving”[with a kudos GIF].

Bonus feeds spread the word in public to keep everybody informed of the great work being done across the company. All the recognition and rewards are streamlined, making it easier to track and manage spending (e.g., via a PayPal account). Analytics are available to show the organization’s strengths and see where bonuses are distributed among departments. Empowering!


Apparently, breathing is vital to humans. Once in a while, this Slack bot will remind you to breathe. That’s all.


What better fun than finding the best GIF in the largest database of everything and anything animated? This one of the best slack integrations is an absolute must to update your social circles with original posts while on vacation, make an unforgettable impression on chat convos, leave punchy comments, enhance meaningful team culture, and spread the summer fun. To search and share a GIF, click the lightning bolt icon to view more options.


Among the best slack integrations is this personal assistant to simplify workflows and facilitate remote teams and collaboration with daily asynchronous standup meetings, scrums, retrospectives, collecting surveys, distributing responses, posting updates on Slack channels, automating recurring tasks, vacation mode, and analytics. Whatever your needs, the AI bot for Slack is operated in English, Spanish, or any natural language. No developer skills are required and super easy to use!

Count it

Looking to stay fit this summer? Racking up so many positive reviews, this is the ultimate fitness app for encouraging health and wellness in the workplace. Set personal fitness goals, group challenges, compete and bond with coworkers, and take part in a global community of 2305 teams in 964 cities. The thing is so simple to use; it connects with any wearable and fitness tracking devices and apps; requires no manual data entry. Gamify those challenges with actual rewards like gym reimbursement programs and gift cards. Ready? Set, Go! Go! Go!


Summertime is the perfect time to experiment with your culinary prowess and test your tastebuds. Wanna try a new recipe but have no idea what to get at the grocery store? Piece of cake. This Slack integration turns recipes into shopping lists, itemizing all the ingredients you need to get, cook and enjoy. Save the recipe anywhere, get ideas from anyone, and share it with anyone. Figuring out how many people you are serving? No need to fetch the calculator! The list will adjust the quantities for you.

Vacation Tracker

Obviously… nothing screams more summer than a Slack integration that keeps track of our time off! Super easy to set up and use, get rid of all the paperwork and migraine-inducing spreadsheets and absence forms, and embrace the simplicity of a bot that manages and calculates, and remembers everything time-off related for your organization. You can customize up to 24 different types of time off and the process of leave management is done effortlessly for both employees and administrators. In just a few clicks away, send a request for, say, summer vacation, receive approval, and keep track of what you have left. The app makes it easy and breezy to synchronize your leave information to your calendar and inform your team.

Slack App info page here.

Shirley Tran
Shirley Tran

Shirley is a Vacation Tracker occasional contributor. She’s held a few positions in communications, marketing and copywriting. When she’s not at her laptop, you can find her daydreaming about her laptop and chasing the sun while people watching.

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