Last updated on September 25, 2018
How to Manage Your Team’s Holiday Vacation Requests
As a manager, you are faced with a variety of challenges during your workday. From recruiting the right talent to meeting your client’s expectations. It is without a doubt, a very challenging position.
Even the best managers find themselves overwhelmed in situations when they have to handle a crisis fast, and make sure the work gets done, no matter what. One of those crises is the moment when you start receiving holiday vacation requests.
Every manager fears the moment their most valued employee comes to them with a vacation request. And if that request comes during a crucial time for the company, it makes everything even harder. But, every good manager needs to know how to handle their team’s holiday vacation requests, and the first thing on the list is to understand the need.
Understand the need
Going to work gives our life structure, and if you are one of those who absolutely love their work, then coming to the office must feel like a dream come true. However, even if you absolutely adore what you do, on occasion, you feel the need for a vacation. And that is completely normal. Any good manager understands this.
Taking a vacation is essential to avoid burnout, and stay dedicated and engaged at work. Even if you get scared if you’ll manage to find someone to fill in for your valuable employee, and get the work done, think of the big picture.
Make sure the work gets done
Taking care of your employees is of the essence, however, you also need to take care of your clients. So, how to make sure your employees get the vacation they want, but that the work is finished at the same time? Think ahead!
Planning is extremely important, and cross-training is the way to prepare yourself and the company for those vacation requests. If you encourage your team to share their knowledge and make sure that everyone is involved, then you won’t have to worry when one of them requests a vacation. It’s as simple as that.
Another thing you can do is make sure the work gets done before the employee takes a vacation. That means you set a list of priorities ahead, and then you are sure everything is done in time, leaving everyone satisfied.
Set a deadline
Taking some time off is very important. Not only for the employee taking it but for the entire company. However, when it comes to requesting vacation, there are certain rules you, as a manager, should set, so you do not lose track and end up with unfinished work, and unsatisfied clients.
It’s a good idea to have a formal vacation policy in the company and to make sure everyone has a copy of it. What should that policy contain? Well, for starters, it should have a deadline. Nobody wants to hear that their most valuable employee is leaving for a two-week vacation one week before. Set a deadline, and you will make sure that you have enough time to find a replacement for that specific time period, or make sure the employee leaving finishes everything in time.
Having a formal vacation policy can also ensure that not too many people take some time off at the same time. You definitely do not want your entire sales team on vacation during the same two weeks.
Think ahead, and when the time comes you will not have to worry about getting the work done.
However, we know that as a manager you have a lot of work waiting for you. Thinking about vacation requests may take a lot of time, and it can take you away from other important responsibilities.
We understand the need, and that’s why we created Vacation Tracker. It is a simple tool to keep track of when your team members are on vacation or away from the office.
Take Vacation Tracker for a spin before you commit. We offer a 7-day free trial.