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Migrating from Hipchat to Slack: Here Are 5 Integrations You Will Love

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As you probably heard, Atlassian is partnering with Slack, which acquired their real-time communication app Hipchat. If your company is using Hipchat, you will most probably migrate to Slack. There is no reason to panic though. It is an awesome tool that is used by 6 million people every day. The best part is that there are many Slack integrations that can help you keep things clean and boost your productivity!

To make your transition easier, we’ve come up with a list of 5 key Slack integrations your team can start with. With them, your everyday operations will become less of “another thing I need to do” and more of “another thing I love about my work”.

1. Developer tool – Bitbucket Cloud

If you are migrating from Hipchat, there’s a big chance you are using other apps from the Atlassian ecosystem. If you have a development team, they probably use Bitbucket. Wouldn’t it be great if you get notifications inside Slack when you have a new pull request?

With Bitbucket Cloud you can:

  • Create a pull request from a newly pushed branch
  • Re-run a failed pipelines build
  • Reply to a pull request comment
  • Add any Slack message as a comment to a pull request

Migrating from Hipchat to Slack: Here Are 5 Integrations You Will Love

Image source: https://slack.com/apps/A8W8QLZD1-bitbucket-cloud

Cost: Free for up to 5 users, and the price starts at 10$ a month

2. Leave management tool – Vacation Tracker

As your team grows, requesting and approving time off for your team can get messy. We were all optimistic in the beginning, thinking we can do just fine with spreadsheets. Vacation Tracker makes things a lot easier, allowing you to manage leave requests directly through Slack.

With Vacation Tracker you can:

    • Request and approve leave requests
    • Set up different teams based on locations
    • Get notifications whenever someone is away
  • Have an overview of the remaining days off

Migrating from Hipchat to Slack: Here Are 5 Integrations You Will Love

Cost: The first month is free, and the price starts at 25$ a month.

3. Meeting scheduling tool – Meekan

Trying to set up a meeting with 6 people on your team can be a cumbersome process. Meekan helps you find the best time to meet by assessing everyone’s availability. It even takes into account the time differences and room availability!

With Meeken you can:

    • Request meetings
    • Check room availability
    • Get an overview of your schedule
  • Reschedule meetings

Migrating from Hipchat to Slack: Here Are 5 Integrations You Will Love

Image source: https://slack.com/apps/A0G51AT60-meekan-scheduling

Cost: Free

4. GIF tool – Giphy

Receiving a ton of messages from your team can often be a  dreadful experience. Why don’t you break the everyday monotony and send your team a GIF? This way, everyone will secretly hope that you just wanted to say hi and not ask for something 🙂 Warning: things can get out of hand if you focus too much on searching for the right GIF!

With Giphy you can:

    • Search millions of GIFs online
    • Choose the perfect GIF to convey your message
  • Make someone’s day

Migrating from Hipchat to Slack: Here Are 5 Integrations You Will Love

Image source: https://medium.com/@giphy/the-secret-giphy-slack-commands-9cb4693ca6bf

Cost: Free

5. File management tool: Dropbox

If you are a busy team that works on many projects, you probably share a lot of files within the team. If it takes you more than 30 seconds to find a file, you should probably consider using the Dropbox Slack bot. You can share and manage all your documents directly on Slack. Cool, right?

With Dropbox you can:

    • Import files from your Dropbox account
    • Share files that are stored in your Dropbox folders
    • Have the updated files at hand whenever you need them
  • Get notified when a file is updated

Migrating from Hipchat to Slack: Here Are 5 Integrations You Will Love

Image source: Dropbox.com

Cost: free

Any change within the company can be a challenging process. The good news is that migrating to Slack isn’t one of them. It might not look that way in the beginning, but rest assured that you will love it. There are many great tools you can easily set up and use directly in Slack. It might even surprise you how fast you can get things done! If we got you excited, you can browse more integrations on the Slack App directory.

Good luck and happy productivity, everyone!

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