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How to Survive in a Virtual High School Classroom

How to Survive in a Virtual High School Classroom

This year was undoubtedly full of twists and turns. Schools were alternately open and closed, and kids were switching …

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Best Microsoft Teams Project Tracking Integrations

Best Microsoft Teams Project Tracking Integrations

Project management is extremely important for a business’s success. It allows teams to achieve goals faster, discover …

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One-on-one Meeting Tips and Tricks for HR Managers

One-on-one Meeting Tips and Tricks for HR Managers

Over the past decade, workplaces became increasingly employee-centric. Businesses realized how important it is to keep …

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The Best Microsoft Teams Time Tracking Tools

The Best Microsoft Teams Time Tracking Tools

Did you know that the US economy loses 50 million hours or $7.4 billion a day due to poor productivity management? …

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Overcome Distractions and Meet Deadlines Faster

Overcome Distractions and Meet Deadlines Faster

Do you frequently find yourself browsing your “For You” page on TikTok while you should be working instead? Don’t worry, …

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Microsoft Teams Tools for Meetings

Microsoft Teams Tools for Meetings

Today’s modern workplace brings people from different parts of the globe. What’s more, a recent trend towards remote …

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To Google or not to Google? G Suite benefits for your business

To Google or not to Google? G Suite benefits for your business

Modern workspace uses a wide variety of different SaaS products to keep their business running smoothly. One of the most …

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How to Leave a Team in Microsoft Teams?

How to Leave a Team in Microsoft Teams?

It’s not a secret that collaboration is part of every successful project and a staple of every successful business. …

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Slack and Microsoft Teams: Are those different names for the same app?

Slack and Microsoft Teams: Are those different names for the same app?

Are you an Apple or Android fan? Or do you prefer Friends over HIMYM? Maybe you’re used to using Slack and cannot …

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Fight of the Titans: Microsoft Teams VS Google Meet

Fight of the Titans: Microsoft Teams VS Google Meet

What was once a convenience, is now a necessity. The COVID-19 pandemic skyrocketed the use of different online …

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5 Common Remote Work Mistakes and How to Bounce Back

5 Common Remote Work Mistakes and How to Bounce Back

Once just a workplace perk desired by many, telecommuting has slowly become the new normal. In fact, between 2005 and …

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