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Best Apps for Freelancers

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Let’s face it: the gig economy has changed us forever! With the economic crisis, the need for temporary engagements and freelance work became even greater than it was ever before. In fact, in the U.S. alone there’s a rough estimation that by 2020 gig economy will take 43 percent of the workforce.

Freelancers, as part of the gig economy’s culture, are trying to make their way in the already crowded market. And to win the game you have to be faster, smarter, and more resourceful than your competition. And to achieve that they use all kinds of resources: forums, online courses, and apps. This is why we decided to prepare a list of the best apps for freelancers in the market to help them win the market game.

Focus Booster

Time management is one of the top skills every freelancer has to master to work less and achieve more and successfully manage work-life balance. Sometimes it can be especially hard to focus and that’s why many freelancers drag their workload throughout the whole day. Focus Booster tries to help freelancers be their best productive selves by offering them simple implementation of the Pomodoro technique. That’s why it’s on our list of best apps for freelancers.

What you can do with this app:

  • Practice Pomodoro technique with your phone.
  • Choose a theme that suits your work style.
  • Use a mini-timer to monitor your session’s progress.
  • Understand your work cycles and improve productivity.


If you’re a freelancer, then you know how the skill of pitching yourself is important. Smart people from Proposify decided to help you improve this process by offering you a way to make your proposals more professional. Useful metrics, design tools, and a content library are just among the many features we love about this app.

What you can do with this app:

  • Make proposals.
  • Keep your team organized.
  • Track your proposals.


Time is money. And what drains money better than social media? Freedom is the app that enables you to work distraction-free. We love it and that’s why it’s on our list of best apps for freelancers. It disables your social media while you work, making you more productive.

What you can do with this app:

  • Block websites.
  • Disable apps.
  • Block the internet.
  • Create a custom whitelist.


This app is built with the intention to offer all-in-one workspace which allows freelancers to make notes, build a knowledge base, and manage spreadsheets and projects, and tasks. This app claims it will help you boost productivity and think more clearly. We think it’s neat, clean, and useful: something every freelancer will find useful.

What you can do with this app:

  • Take notes.
  • Build a knowledge base.
  • Use spreadsheets.
  • Manage projects.
  • Manage tasks.

What is your list of best apps for freelancers?

Our team has it all: freelancers, part-timers, the ones on flexible schedules, and full-time employees. Being like this we had to find ways to manage our tasks on time, boost our productivity and stay engaged. That’s why we experiment with all kinds of apps and this is what we found most useful. If you have some suggestions, give us a shout!

Ana Mladenovic
Ana Mladenovic

A cat enthusiast and a cupcake maniac, Ana is a freelance Content Writer passionate about HR, productivity, and team management topics. When she’s not at her keyboard, you can find Ana in the kitchen, trying to make delicious cookies.

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