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The Worst Travel Advice We’ve Ever Heard

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Traveling is definitely one of the most rewarding experiences. You return with an abundance of knowledge about different cultures, traditions, and so on. Not only do you get to see another country, but you come back with a clear mind, relaxed and ready to take on various new challenges.

However, when it comes to planning your vacation, whether you are traveling to an exotic new destination or visiting a country you’ve been to before, there’s a lot of planning. You have so many things you need to take care of, yet you’re sometimes confused about where to start.

Luckily (or not?) there are many magazines, websites, and books which give travel advice on how to plan your vacation and where to go. A lot of the information there is very helpful, but there are some which can just confuse you, and turn out to be completely useless in the end.

When it comes to travel advice, we’ve heard it all. From choosing the right destination, planning what to pack, how to be safe, and what to do when you get there. A lot was helpful, but many were completely wrong.

1. Figure Out Your Accommodation Along The Way

Being spontaneous is always interesting, and can result in some amazing experiences. However, when it comes to your accommodation, you should always be prepared. Think in advance and choose your accommodation at least a few weeks earlier.

Many advise that you just take a plane ticket and leave where your heart desires. Yes, that sounds absolutely amazing, but how realistic is that? From our perspective, not very. The last thing you want to do when you land is going around town looking for available accommodation. Isn’t it best to land, check-in and start exploring the destination you’ve chosen? We believe it definitely is.

2. Stay Outside Of The City To Save

This is a piece of advice we’ve heard a lot of times, and we’ve thought about it a lot. Not only have we thought about it, but we’ve tested it on various occasions.

Staying outside of the city in order to save money on accommodation does make sense. However, when you think about it, it may actually be quite the opposite. If you stay outside of the city, you will lose valuable time traveling to your destination. And you might spend more money on transportation than what you would have saved on accommodation.

Today, we have various options to choose from when it comes to accommodation. Airbnb has proven that you can sometimes find amazing rentals in the city which actually cost less than those outside of the city.

This is why it is important to plan your vacation in advance and take care of your accommodation. You can get great rentals at a cheaper price if you just take the time and search for it online.

3. Don’t Travel In Peak Season

Another thing we’ve tested out on various occasions, and can say that it is very wrong. There’s a reason why peak season is called that. Yes, it is very crowded during peak season and the prices can be a little bit higher, but you’ll get to experience so much more.

During peak season there is so much more happening in the destination you’ve chosen, and it would be disappointing to miss all of that just because it is too crowded. Plan well, and the outcome will definitely be worth it.

4. See As Much As Possible

While it is great to visit as much as possible when you are in a new city, make sure you do not exhaust yourself. In the end, you can end up with unnecessary stress, frustration, and maybe some additional cost if you miss your flights or transportation and you have to stay a bit longer.

We love traveling and experiencing new places, but at some point, it can get out of hand when you push yourself too much. That’s why you should create a plan of all the things you would love to see in that destination and go according to your plan. This way you will enjoy your vacation a lot more, and will not waste time on unnecessary things like getting lost around town because you didn’t plan it well.

Don’t get us wrong, getting lost in a beautiful city can sometimes turn into an amazing experience where you can see some breathtaking things. However, when you’re short on time and want to visit everything on your list, this is something you definitely do not want to happen.

This has to be one of the worst travel advice we’ve ever heard. Some people may advise you to stay away from popular touristic sites because they might be too crowded. However, there is a reason why those sights attract so many visitors.

Those places usually offer some memorable and unique experiences which you definitely do not want to miss. Waiting in line for a few minutes won’t ruin the day, and you’ll get to see some of the most beautiful things in the world. Why miss it?

Travel advice is on every corner, and while most people have good intentions, they can often give some of the worst suggestions. Yet, it is up to you to choose what you will accept. Every person is different, and every person likes different types of vacations. Some like to hike all day long, while others would rather spend the entire day lying on the beach.

It’s up to you to choose what suits you best and plan according to your needs. We’re here to share our experience with you, and help you along the way.

The first step to a successful vacation is booking it on time, and requesting some time off. While planning your vacation, the last thing you need to worry about is submitting vacation requests. That’s why we’ve created Vacation Tracker, where you can book and manage your time off request inside Slack.

Take Vacation Tracker for a spin before you commit. Sign up today with Slack as we offer a 7-day free trial.

Aleksandra Cvetkovic
Aleksandra Cvetkovic

Aleksandra has been with the team since day one, bringing her passion for all things marketing.

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