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8 Must-Have Tools For Small Businesses

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To run a successful small business, we sometimes have to get very creative with our limited resources to handle the countless things that come our way. To help us multitask at full speed without losing our minds or busting our budget, here are 8 must-have tools for SMBs.

  1. Clockify

This free time tracker and timesheet app helps you stay on top of things and bring your small business to the next level. Track work hours, billable to clients, and lunch breaks. Have access to a visual representation of how your time was spent. Then, view your team’s activities and generate customizable reports. Track time from anywhere using Clockify from your desktop, mobile, and web.

  1. Calendly

Remove the time-consuming back-and-forth of emails when scheduling important meetings with potential new clients. Easy to set up and free to use, put your availability preferences and share your Calendly link via email or your website. They pick a time and voilà, the event gets added to your calendar. Its integration works with Outlook, Google, Office 365, and iCloud, so no worries about double-booking. It also smartly detects invitees in different time zones, so you’re good to go!

  1. Tap My Back

If you believe in the potential growth of your business, then it’s never too early to get your team motivated and create a team culture unique to your organization. To establish the core values and vision of your small business among your young team, this tool helps facilitate continuous employee feedback, peer-to-peer and social recognition, and promotes learning. Anyone can request real-time feedback at any time. Moreover, you can gain valuable data from your team’s skills to determine overall performance. The tool works on Slack and Microsoft Teams, Google, and Chrome.

  1. Apploye

Apploye is a robust time tracking software that helps businesses to monitor their employees and optimize workplace productivity. It helps you manage the tasks, get reports on employee performance, and screenshots monitoring, apps & URL usage. It offers an intuitive dashboard that displays performance-based comparisons and a live feed that shows the currently engaged employees. Apploye helps manage multiple projects, allocate budgets, include/exclude projects from billable amount calculation, invoice clients, and delegate roles to team members. Apploye offers affordable pricing plans, and you can take a 10-day free trial.

  1. Airtable

Unlock endless possibilities with this powerful, one-of-a-kind tool for small businesses. How to describe Airtable? It’s a workspace, a database, a spreadsheet, a content calendar, a product roadmap, an event planner, a to-do checklist with file attachments, a kanban board organizer, a scheduler, an app builder with pre-custom barcodes, a digital video production, a bug tracker, a marketing campaign planner, user research, an applicant tracker, and somehow, more than that. And it’s free.

  1. Design Pickle

Looking for great designs to help your small business with the cohesion of its brand? Leave the time-consuming challenge to Design Pickle which covers professional digital and print illustrations such as GIFs, social media ads and banners, brochures, and infographics. For a monthly payment starting at $400, services include unlimited requests and revisions, turnarounds of one or two days, and free access to their FreshStock library of high-quality and creative designs.

  1. Toggl

Toggl tools for small businesses offer time tracking, project planning and candidate screening services with Toggl Track, Toggl Plan, and Toggl Hire. Keep projects organized and teams well-managed with the drag-and-drop color-coded simplicity of its interface. Choose the most suitable and profitable option to track time. Hire smarter with effectiveness and ease by creating a job opening and a skill assessment test. Then, provide applicants with instant feedback and scores. It also has a free plan.

  1. Vacation Tracker

A huge and handy hassle-free time-saver for small teams to have, of course, is the leave management app Vacation Tracker. Now available on the Microsoft Teams platform, this must-have tool for small businesses takes care of keeping track of the time-off taken by your team members. Highly customizable to fit any type of small business, organizations can set up up to 24 different types of leave such as vacation, paid time-off, holidays, half days, and work from home.

In fact, the solution is also especially great for remote teams. Vacation Tracker offers the possibility of creating different leave policies based on multiple locations. User-friendly with an easy setup, users enjoy the simplicity of requesting a leave. Then, approving a leave takes seconds. Easily, team members can view their leave history and remaining leave days. The app syncs with calendars most commonly used, so informing your teammates of your leave increases transparency and eliminates misunderstandings when it comes to planning and coordinating time off. Our fantastic customer care is there to help you every step of the way if needed.

Signup and get a free trial.

For more on the subject, we have recently posted on useful apps for startups.

Shirley Tran
Shirley Tran

Shirley is a Vacation Tracker occasional contributor. She’s held a few positions in communications, marketing and copywriting. When she’s not at her laptop, you can find her daydreaming about her laptop and chasing the sun while people watching.

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