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10 Different Types of Remote Workers

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There has been a major shift in the modern workplace. Many of us are newly becoming remote workers. Working from home can have great perks, like no more traffic and pajamas all day! But a change of this scale in the workplace can be quite challenging and stressful, as we are required to quickly adapt to face this new reality. But as remote workers, are we fully adapted to these changes? Do we know ourselves well enough to make remote work to our advantage? In this light and fun article, find out which of these 10 types of remote workers you are.

  1. The Cheerleader

This type of remote worker is a highly self-disciplined individual motivated by excellence and a true team player. A job well done is its own reward, no matter how small the task. Cheerleaders are not afraid to give praises and rewards to themselves and their coworkers when recognition is in order. They see the positive in everything, which gives a great productivity boost to the whole remote team.

  1. The Squeaky Cleaner

These remote workers are at their professional best when their workspace is spotless and well organized, their tasks well planned, their files color-coded, their pencils sharpened and their Kanban board neatly aligned. Their ergonomic chairs are in an upright position and their desks properly lighted. This clean environment helps them clear their mind in order to better concentrate on the tasks at hand.

  1. The Early Bird

While little birds are enjoying their delicious lukewarm worms at the sight of the first rays of sunshine, the early birds’ productivity is soaring. By the time the rest of the workforce are getting hungry at lunch hour, the early birds will already have completed their most challenging and urgent duties of the day, and still have plenty of time to enjoy the sun the rest of the day.

  1. The Night Owl

While the rest of the world is snoozing away, the night owl gets mostly inspired by the sweet sound of snoring. If you are this type of remote worker, you do your best work when it’s pitch-black darkness out. There is a great sense of accomplishment in knowing how highly productive you are while everybody else is dreaming!

  1. The Techie

This type of remote worker is super enthusiastic about anything technology. To these remote workers, the joy in life is to explore the many possibilities of how things can be done differently. They are curious beings and like to find answers to all kinds of questions and see how things work and how they can be used which makes them great researchers, investigators, shoppers, and advisors. The techie enjoys the result and prefers the process.

  1. The Groover

Remote workers of this type keep plugging away and stay super focused for a very long time when the right kind of music is on. Music puts them ‘in the zone’. They can only operate with the right groove. They lose their focus or get discouraged when things get too quiet. If there is no music available, podcasts, white noise, or TV in the background will do. Incidentally, they also require ASMR sounds to fall asleep!

  1. The Easily Distracted One

Unlike the groover, you are more productive when you work on many different tasks in small chunks, or when something needs to change. Too much of one thing and it gets boring. One hour in the home office, one hour at the park, one hour in the kitchen, and one hour on the balcony gives a sense of progression and so this is a better way to wor-Oh look! What’s that!?

  1. The Procrastinator

Procrastinators have an unusual strategy to tackle work: they save their most important stuff for last. They do their best work when the pressure is on. Indeed, procrastinators may enjoy putting out multiple fires at once. They would rather wait until the very last minute before starting to work because it is in their nature to rise to the occasion when the stakes are high.

  1. The Messy Nester

These remote workers are highly creative beings. Their ideas are best generated in a messy environment full of colors and textures and gadgets with towers of books and rings of coffee stains covering any flat surface. They find order in their disorder, and they persevere with many stimuli surrounding them.

  1. The Energizer Bunny

Like the unstoppable bunny, this type of remote worker thrives by continually hopping on one gig after the next; oftentimes juggling multiple projects and contracts with several clients at once. These professionals gain momentum on the amount of the many tasks lined up that require their attention: they do more when there is more to do.

Choose Your Fighter!

With this new knowledge on hand, could you identify which of these 10 types of remote workers you are? The truth is that we may also be switching from one type to the next at a moment’s notice. Meanwhile, it’s important for various types of remote workers to continue to work together effectively. As we’ve certainly mentioned before, the right tools can help any kind of team excel.

To improve communication within your team, and to take the complexities out of planning leave while everyone works from home, you could try a leave management software. Whether they are night owls, procrastinators, or both, you can introduce your team to Vacation Tracker.

The demo is available free of charge and without any commitments, in case you’re interested!

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Shirley Tran
Shirley Tran

Shirley is a Vacation Tracker occasional contributor. She’s held a few positions in communications, marketing and copywriting. When she’s not at her laptop, you can find her daydreaming about her laptop and chasing the sun while people watching.

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