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Best Microsoft Teams Project Tracking Integrations

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Project management is extremely important for a business’s success. It allows teams to achieve goals faster, discover problems on time, and avoid budget breaks. 

Even though it might seem like an unnecessary budget burden on paper, project management creates a vision for a successful project, enables everyone from the team to be on the same page, and ensures the project’s timely delivery.

For that reason, many organizations employ dedicated software to help them streamline their operations and increase efficiency.

However, what to do in case you already have robust collaboration software that doesn’t have a built-in project management feature? Adding another tool can just create confusion.

Luckily for Microsoft Teams users, there are plenty of project management integrations available on the market. Here, we’re going to give you a list of Microsoft Teams project tracking integrations your team can use to streamline processes.


Wrike is an online project management and collaboration tool that allows teams to simplify their project planning and streamline their workflow. 

Companies who choose Wrike as their preferred Microsoft Team project tracking tool won’t regret their decision since this tool will allow them to plan projects better, and allocate resources depending on the project’s needs. 

By using Wrike as their project planning solution, teams will be able to track projects in real time, ensuring their timely completion. 

Furthermore, this software has a built-in proofing and approval tool which allows streamlined review and approval of images, videos, PDFs, and more. Users can update task descriptions, post comments, share interactive reports and schedule notifications regularly. 


Trello is one of the most popular Microsoft Teams project tracking integrations. It’s a visual project management and collaboration tool that allows teams to work together and organize their workload via the board system that contains lists and cards. By using this tool, teams can assign, track and prioritize projects, and streamline their processes. 

Team members can easily add comments, attachments, and due dates to created tasks, ensuring their timely completion. They can also add labels, search for information, use filters, and sort their card list in various ways. What’s more, by utilizing cloud technology, Trello allows team members to see the state of the project, as well as recent changes in real-time, ensuring everyone is up-to-date with the project’s status.


Asana is a project management and collaboration tool, which comes as a Microsoft Teams project tracking integration as well. 

This tool allows teams to break bigger, more challenging tasks into smaller chunks and assign them to different team members. This feature enables managers to track the progress of each task effortlessly and have their to-do list in one place, which makes their prioritization and completion much easier and faster. 


Monday is an online collaboration app teams can use to organize and keep track of their workflow. We cannot say Monday is a project management tool, even though it definitely looks like it. It’s more of a collection of highly customized spreadsheets in which everyone on a team logs the tasks they need to complete and updates them with status reports and other relevant information. In this way, every team member can see all active tasks and their progress.

Monday has a very intuitive interface which makes it easy to use, even for beginners. We could easily compare it to Asana with one small difference: what would be sheets are called boards here, and you can have more than one of them in view at any given time. 

Each row usually contains a task team wants to track, and the columns indicate different attributes of that task, such as the deadline or who is assigned to do it. Teams can define the columns as they like, and decide what selections are available for each column.

What’s more, teams can customize how they want to see their board and change it between calendar, map, or table view. Team members can also discuss and share ideas with their teammates in a conversation panel attached to any row that allows undisturbed collaboration.

Zoho Projects

Zoho Projects is a cloud-based project management tool that comes as a Microsoft Teams project integration as well. Teams can use it to assign projects, track them in real time, share comments and files, and monitor billable hours.

What we love about Zoho Project is the fact they offer a module called Issue Tracker, which can be pretty useful for software companies. By opting for this integration, teams can easily customize their workflows by deadlines, status, or issue severity. 

Along with Zoho Projects, the Zoho team made another project management tool – Zoho Sprints. This tool tracks project on a scrum board and allows teams to log billable and non-billable hours, and plan for any possible changes within a project. 

Teams can easily track complex projects in several ways such as milestones, task lists, and manage tasks in Classic, Plain, Dependencies, and Kanban views.

Zoho Projects includes several collaboration features such as Feed, Project Chat, and Project Pages which make task completion much easier.

The final verdict

Microsoft Teams is a great cloud collaboration tool used by teams around the globe to streamline their processes and improve collaboration. Now, with a wide variety of project tracking integrations, Microsoft Teams can help businesses organize their workload in a better way, save money, and improve collaboration effortlessly. 

We listed the Microsoft Teams project tracking integrations we find to be the most useful. Now, when you have everything laid out, you’ll have to decide which one suits your team the most, install it, and head towards a more successful and productive year.

Ana Mladenovic
Ana Mladenovic

A cat enthusiast and a cupcake maniac, Ana is a freelance Content Writer passionate about HR, productivity, and team management topics. When she’s not at her keyboard, you can find Ana in the kitchen, trying to make delicious cookies.

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