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How Vacation And Time Off Management Works

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The features mentioned in this article have been upgraded, and the information presented may not be up to date. Please view our recent articles, and learn about the new version of Vacation Tracker.

Vacation Tracker is a simple tool to keep track of when your team members are on vacation or away from the office. Our employee attendance tracking system is built directly in Slack so it’s a snap to set-up and configures, and your team can request vacations directly in Slack without having to remember another login or website.

Simply type in /vacation in any Slack channel or DM and follow-up the instructions on the screen. Within 30 seconds, managers will receive a notification about the request which they can approve either in Slack or through a web-based admin dashboard.

Step 1

Add Vacation Tracker to Slack.

Step 2

Select your default preferences to complete your profile and start tracking your team’s vacations and days off.

How Vacation And Time Off Management Works

Step 3

Type /vacation in any Slack channel or DM in order to request your vacation or a day off.

After you’ve typed /vacation in your chosen Slack channel or DM, you’ll have the option to request your vacation, a day off or open your dashboard.

How Vacation And Time Off Management Works

Step 4

All you have to do now is choose your vacation days. There are two ways to request vacation in Vacation Tracker. You can use the calendar we have provided and simply choose your start date, or run a command and type the dates you want.

How Vacation And Time Off Management Works

Step 5

After you’ve selected your start date, it’s time to select your end date. You can do this by selecting the number of days we’ve previously set up, or manually choose your end date.

How Vacation And Time Off Management Works

Step 6

You’re almost done! Simply confirm your vacation request, or add a reason and confirm. Time off management has never been easier.

How Vacation And Time Off Management Works

After you confirm your vacation request, a notification will be sent to your managers. They can approve or deny the request either in Slack or through a web-based admin dashboard.

Every message to managers from our chatbot has an embedded link to the dashboard. The dashboard allows managers to easily approve or deny requests, manage notifications, and have a daily, monthly and yearly overview of the team’s vacations and days off.

How Vacation And Time Off Management Works

And that’s it. You’re all set.

In case you have teams in different locations, don’t worry. We have made time off management easier for you as well. Your Vacation Tracker bot will be sure to send friendly reminders about various holidays for each team so you know who’s out of the office when.

How Vacation And Time Off Management Works

We’ve also made sure you get weekly notifications about who’s away from the office that week.

How Vacation And Time Off Management Works

Vacation Tracker is currently in public beta so go ahead and sign up on our website and take it for a test drive.

Aleksandra Cvetkovic
Aleksandra Cvetkovic

Aleksandra has been with the team since day one, bringing her passion for all things marketing.

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Do you want to simplify PTO tracking?

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