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Top 5 MS Teams Apps 2021

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Your teams are all over the place – literally. At home, at the office, even in different countries and time zones.  And while MS Teams is an amazing collaboration tool, you’ve been searching everywhere for apps that will help 2021 be the year your team finally comes together. Well, search no more – Here are our top five best apps for MS Teams in 2021.


Have trouble pulling your remote team together for meetings? Then, say hello to ScrumGenius. ScrumGenius is a great way to allow employees to meet without…well…meeting. ScrumGenius automates standups, surveys, meetings, and daily reporting across time zones. 

Features include

  • Check-ins – Bring the team together by providing a clear picture of what everyone is working on, in one place. 
  • Team Engagement – Employees share their work-to-date, current tasks, and any obstacles in the way by noting their Performance, Goals, and Blockers. 
  • Standup Analytics – Reporting is available to review and analyze meeting and check-in data easily and quickly
  • Search Insights – Allows you to quantify your team’s progress 
  • Integration – connects with a variety of project management tools, codebase, personal calendars, and of course, MS Teams.

Vacation Tracker

Managing employee leave can be time-consuming, overwhelming, and the last thing you want to be thinking of when you’ve got deadlines and product launches. The team at Vacation Tracker put together an easy-to-navigate tool that allows you to track everything from your leave policy to vacation days to whether your employees are working from home or the office. Affordable and easy to use, Vacation Tracker for MS Teams is a must-have in 2021.

Features include

  • Easy to Use – Allows the user the ability to request, approve, or manage leave in seconds.
  • Clear Communication – Manage and create leave policies for employees. Announce upcoming leaves to team members who need to know.
  • Create Multiple Teams & Locations – Great for any size business from small local offices to large multinational corporations
  • Flexibility to Track Leave Types – Vacation Tracker allows administrators to configure up to 25 different leave types
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Easy PTO tracking, right at your fingertips.

Automate leave policies, improve visibility and plan better

No credit card required. Instant set-up.

Health Hero

2020 changed the way people work – forever. Millions of people moved out of the office and into a work-at-home environment. While many love the idea of avoiding long commutes, and business casual, many have also been avoiding a healthy lifestyle. A healthy team member will not only call out sick less often, but they will also be more productive and engaged. If you are looking for a way to keep your remote teams happy and healthy in 2021, consider Health Hero for Teams.  Health Hero allows you to create fun and engaging well-being activities that will allow your employees to compete and compete together. 

Features include:

  • Leaderboard – Engages employees and fosters healthy competition to complete well-being activities
  • Teams – Create different teams and encourage them to compete against each other. 
  • Challenges – Create challenges that will keep teams motivated throughout the year. Challenges can be healthy eating, physical activity, or mental well-being activities. 
  • Individual Tracking – Employees can track their progress along with their team. They can log eating, exercise, and other well-being activities on the app.


Yeah, it’s on our list too. Trello is on everyone’s list with good reason. It has been around a long time – almost 10 years, better known as ‘a lifetime’ in the software world. Trello’s system of Boards and Cards allows you to have multiple projects (Boards) with individual tasks (Cards). 

Features include: 

  • Boards & Cards – Projects are broken out into Boards and within each Board, Cards (individual tasks) are created. You can also add deadlines, reminders, and upload files.
  • Add Trello Board to Team’s Channel – Allows for easier collaboration, everyone on the team has access.
  • Messaging Extension – Allows for a quick keyword search for the Trello card you need and sends the card information into your conversation.


Do you have multiple, repetitive tasks that you complete daily? Like sharing content across multiple social media platforms or notifying teams about new leads? If only your apps like MS Teams and Salesforce could talk to each other. Well, they can thanks to Zapier.  Zapier links multiple apps together, creating automated tasks with workflow templates they call Zaps. It’s like having your own coding expert on staff! 

Features include: 

  • App Automation – Zapier has a list of over 3,000 apps that can be linked together to save time and eliminate mundane tasks.
  • Easy to Use – Anyone can build the link between the apps you use. It was designed with end users in mind.
  • Flexible – Everyone from small businesses to marketers, sales to startups can benefit from Zapier’s automation. 

So, whether you’re in different cities, different time zones, or just down the hall, we promise, the apps you choose for MS Teams will help 2021 be the year when you and your team finally come together!

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Do you want to simplify PTO tracking?

Schedule a free consultation with our team to learn how Vacation Tracker can help you.

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