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The Importance Of Social Media For HR

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It seems like HR doesn’t have to look for excuses for browsing social media channels during work hours anymore. Among the random cute puppy video, or an adorable baby photo hides vast potential they can use for recruitment purposes. The point is simple: everyone will search for your company’s social media pages to check it out because social media channels became a company’s portfolio of some sort. That’s why companies should focus on finding their target audience, knowing where they are, and building their social networks on those platforms.

In a webinar held hosted by CIPHR last year, a communications expert, Ben Hollom highlighted the importance of Social media for HR by talking about attracting the best employees by offering them exceptional content on your company’s social pages. “Four-fifths of job seekers will research an employer online before applying,” he added during his speech.

Social media for hr is here to create a desire in people to work for you.

To attract the best employees, companies have to work on their social media channels. They should look for ways how to build strong company branding, which shows how a company looks from the inside and create a desire in people to work for it. And at the same time, by doing this, companies are building their credibility in the business world.

But HR should know what kind of content they should post.

Having some content on a company’s social media accounts won’t do anything until you decide what kind of content you want to post. Before taking a leap when it comes to Social media postings, HR should have a healthy content plan which communicates mainly two things: advertising to the community that this is the right company to work for and advertising employees as the perfect people to work with.

Scanning new hires are of great importance when it comes to Social media for HR.

Just like the candidates can see and scan a company on Social media, HR can do the same to their applicants. It’s a still very new way to pick potential candidates, but it offers valuable insight into the candidate’s character and interest, which can help HR professionals in determining who should be their best hire.

However, Social Media may be a discrimination hazard, as well.

Obtaining our privacy became a priority. However, this might sound conflicting given we live in the information age. Today’s children have a lot to complain about their parents violating their privacy by posting their photos, and that’s a problem we’re going to face more and more. However, HR professionals should be careful and prevent themselves from discriminating against applicants for their race, gender, marital status, etc while scanning them via Social Networks.

The importance of Social Media for HR hides in communication with applicants.

LinkedIn became one of the most powerful tools for a job hunt. It’s an easy way to scout for new employees and, by one study, more than 90 percent of recruiters are active on LinkedIn. It’s actually better than any job-hunting website: millions of people willingly offered their career profiles for you to see. It’s a great way to hunt for experienced, but passive candidates. Even if you don’t end up hiring in the first place, having a contact to reach out to, next time when the situation might change is a valuable asset.

Social Media empowers communication between a company and its employees.

The information age changed ultimately how we perceive our workplace. There’s just a lot to take in: some employees are working flexible hours, some freelance while others are happy to take the privilege of working in the office.

When you consider this, you might realize communication can become a huge problem. Social networks are a great way to bring together employees and make HR’s jobs much more manageable. Instead of sending a message to each employee individually, they can just send a group message to them on one of the company’s social media channels.

Social media makes every employee a brand ambassador.

The social media era made us all have a brand of our own. It shows in the way we communicate on Social media platforms, and this is how you define it. That’s why so many companies decided to make their most vocal employees brand ambassadors. They can share the company’s message and values loud and clear.

HR managers are business rock stars.

Some people seem to question the importance of HR managers. But, HR managers are crucial for business survival. Those are the people who will bring together your team and make sure they work perfectly and in unison. They help us with the onboarding process and make sure we feel comfortable during our first days at work. HR managers are peacemakers of the office and a reason why your business runs smoothly. And seems that, with the rise of Social networks, they have one more weapon in the arsenal. We’re still here to see how the situation will evolve and what kind of privileges it will bring.

Aleksandra Cvetkovic
Aleksandra Cvetkovic

Aleksandra has been with the team since day one, bringing her passion for all things marketing.

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