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Essential Tips For Managing Remote Workers

Reading Time: 3 minutes

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Many companies all over the world now choose to let their employees work from home, and while some might think this is not a great idea, it does have its benefits.

When it comes to startups, many choose this option. And for them, it’s the perfect solution. Every company was a startup once, and we all know that in the beginning there isn’t enough money so it’s essential to spend it wisely. Why waste money on office spaces in different areas, when you can use that money to hire a lot more qualified team? Makes sense, doesn’t it?

Hiring remote workers is a great idea, which can tremendously benefit the company, however, this also has its challenges. The best way to overcome them is to have quality management, that will make sure everything runs smoothly.

Create A Communication Strategy

Of course, you cannot do this right away. Try different options, and see what works best for your team. Do you prefer daily check-ins, on weekly reports? It’s all up to you and your team, but make sure that all of you are on the same page when it comes to this. The best way to keep track of everything, and make sure your goals are achieved, is to be engaged with your team and be included in the process.

Also, make sure that your remote workers know they can count on you to be there if they have a question or a problem.

Build Trust

Is a group of people even a team if there’s no mutual respect and trust?

Of course, there isn’t. A team is a group of people who communicate and trust each other. Not only is this the key to building a successful company culture but it’s also essential to getting the work done. And making some friends along the way.

When you have mutual trust, you have everything you need for a successful team. It does not matter if one person is on the other side of the world if you know they are reliable and that they will finish their work on time.

Set Clear Expectations

No matter how amazing the team is, if they are not sure about what they should be doing, and are not included in the project, they will fail to deliver and meet your expectations.

Be sure to have regular check-ins where you will explain exactly what the goals are, and what your expectations are. That’s the only way to keep track of everything that’s going on and be sure the work gets done.

Working with remote workers is an interesting experience, however, as with any working relationship, it requires trust, communication, and mutual respect. Make sure everyone is on the same page, involved in the process, and that even though they are miles away, feel like a part of the team.

Feel Like A Local

For some people, being so far away from the team can be tough. They might feel left out, so you should make them feel like they are just a door away from you.

Include them in the company’s emails when you send out different announcements. If you have the budget, bring them to visit your office, and meet the rest of the team. Organize team building, that’s something all of them will love, and they’ll get to know each other better.

If you want your remote workers to be responsible and productive, you’ll have to lead by example. That means sending salaries on time, and maybe including occasional bonuses if you have the money. Make the communication really simple, do not overcomplicate, and let them know they can always count on you. If you are responsible and trustworthy, they’ll return the favor.

Many remote workers have trouble contacting their teammates, so using Slack or similar tools is of great help. Teams all over the world use Slack, Skype, and various other tools which help them finish their work on time.

That’s one of the reasons we’ve created Vacation Tracker. Slack has made communication within the team a lot easier, and now, we want to make booking some time off a lot easier. Can you imagine requesting a vacation in just a couple of seconds? We can!

Did we mention that you can take Vacation Tracker for a spin before you commit? We offer a 7-day free trial!

Aleksandra Cvetkovic
Aleksandra Cvetkovic

Aleksandra has been with the team since day one, bringing her passion for all things marketing.

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